Many people are experiencing excitement and/or fear about the loosening of restrictions as the pandemic recedes.
As bioenergetic therapists, we understand that it is important to feel and express your feelings appropriately in relation to the new freedoms.
If the main feeling you experience is fear, the fear has to be dealt with before you can feel your excitement and pleasure. How do you do that? it’s important to express your feelings in a grounded way rather than keeping them bottled up. To be grounded is another way of saying that a person has their feet on the ground. In a broader sense, grounding represents an individual's contact with the basic realities of their existence.
The immediate result of being grounded is to increase your sense of security. That makes it more possible to let down into your feelings and to express them.
As well as the exercises previously shared on our blog, we are including an exercise to express your feelings in a grounded way.
Breathing is an important factor of bioenergetic therapy. We are going to describe an exercise that will help you to expand your breathing and your expression of feelings.
While you are lying on the floor, put your legs up in the air.
Image from Vibrant Health by Dr. Alexander Lowen and Leslie Lowen.
Your knees should be slightly flexed. Bend your ankles and, on an in breath, push your heels toward the ceiling.
Release your knees a little and breathe out. Repeat several times.
If you find that your legs are shaking or vibrating, it can happen and it is a normal part of this exercise.
When you are breathing out, you may become aware of an inner sound. Try to let that sound come out. That is the beginning of your expression.
When you finish the exercise, take note of any sensations in your body.
Let us know how this exercise has been for you.