Here's just a small sampling of testimonials from our clients over the years.
"For 14 years I was in bioenergetic therapy. There are no words to describe the impact this therapy had on my life. It is enough to say that my body "thawed" from past causes and conditions in a way that led me forward into life with a more profound understanding of both my body and mind. I have learned that if I look deeply, the embodied experience holds the answers. The added benefit is the development of a more generous and compassionate heart."
- V.M.
“Before I began bioenergetic therapy, I had no realization how many very early experiences and strong emotions I had surging through my body. I was aware of my thoughts, but not my deep feelings. Through specific, gentle exercises with a skilled and safe therapist, I have begun to understand the clear connection between my brain and my body. Working with this unique knowledge and dispersing some of my past stressors, I am beginning to integrate the two. Now, I am starting to lead a full and more enjoyable life.”
- J.C.
“When I started my work with bioenergetics I was dealing with depression, stress, anxiety and lack of self-expression. Over time, I released a lot of stress/anxiety from my body, my energy levels increased and my self-confidence has grown. I have a much better understanding of how I really feel. I have become more open to feeling and feel deeper which also gave me access to feeling more joy and pleasure. I feel like I was a boy when I started and now I am becoming a man.
Bioenergetics is a fantastic, well-rounded, honest and comprehensive personal development tool and therapy. To me it is the real deal! Bioenergetics has given me benefits that most if not all conventional therapies have failed to deliver.
I recommend it to anyone who is serious in becoming more whole, healthy, honest and alive.”
- D.L.
“For anyone considering psychotherapy, I would highly recommend bioenergetics therapy. The body work in this form of therapy is most useful in helping one to connect to one’s body and feelings. The therapists are very skilled, caring and compassionate. If you are looking for a bioenergetic therapist, I hope that you find it as helpful as I have.”
- G.H.